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How do guardrails work?

The language model operates within a set structure, using only the data provided by the organisation to ensure its responses comply with specific standards and do not include external information not given by the company.

Furthermore, by including citations in each reply, the origin of the information used in the responses can be traced.
Additionally, extra safeguards can be implemented into the chat flow as needed, particularly if the user input encompasses forbidden or harmful material.

What tooling is used for pseudonymisation?

A local model is employed, executed directly within the cluster and independent of OpenAI, to recognise names and entities. These identified elements are subsequently substituted with anonymised tokens, which are later restored to their original form.

How is Document ingestion maintained?

We maintain multiple default ingestion pipelines for the different types of files.

See the documentation here: Ingestion

Customers can build their own in the context of our Co-Development Agreement if needed. We are improving continuously to get the best possible results in for the RAG.

Are the sources always shared with the users?

Yes, Unique adds references to each answer to indicate to the user where the information is coming from. This happens through the RAG process.

Can automated workflows be executed?

Yes, we already have customers that use our API to execute workflows autonomously without the intervention of a user.

How is continuous feedback loop orchestrated?

As an admin, you can export the user feedback as CSV on demand. There will be monthly meetings with the project lead to analyse the feedback and to derive improvement options.

Can your system integrate with various Identity Providers (IDPs), and does it support seamless user provisioning and login with credentials from external systems?

The IDP can be integrated in our system. Your logins can be used, and users are automatically provisioned.

We support the following list:

What gets anonymised and how does it work?

The anonymisation service processes the prompt intended for the OpenAI Endpoint by performing Named-Entity Recognition. It replaces identified entities with placeholders before sending them to the model. Once the model responds, the anonymised placeholders are replaced with the original identifying data. The user will not receive the anonymised entities in the response. Additionally, the data is stored in subscription databases, which are exclusively accessible by the client.

What happens with client names in the recordings, are they anonymized? 

Clients show up as “Participant X” in the recording transcripts until you explicitly assign a name to them. After that, they are recognized by name on other recordings in the same deal.

How flexible can new services be developed and tested?

This can be done independently developed, and tested. Each developer can run an independent version of FinanceGPT on their local machine to develop without interfering with others.

How would customised workflows be prepared and released?

If you develop your own assistants that are not coming as part of the default, these assistants need to be deployed.

The deployment can be orchestrated by you or us.

Below you find a drawing explaining the process.

Can we view defined users or applications in the tenant?

Yes this is possible.

Is there monitoring and alerting for the network?


Is encryption and integrity protection in place for all external (public) network traffic that potentially carries sensitive information?


Do you use an automated source code analysis tool to detect security defects in code prior to production?

Yes, GH Advanced security and trivy.

What service hosting models and deployment models are provided as part of Unique services? 

  1. Multi-tenant

  2. Single tenant on UNIQUE Cloud

  3. Single tenant on Customer Cloud (=customer managed tenant)

  4. On-premise

Is a web site supported, hosted or maintained that has access to customer systems and data? 


Architecture, RAG, Vectors, and more

What technologies are used in the RAG pattern?

For Vectorisation, the embedding model ADA from Azure OpenAI’s is used.

To learn more about our Architecture, see here: Architecture

We use Qdrant to save the vector and the metadata (self-hosted).

For saving text, we use Postgres (Azure service).

Why is vector DB Qdrant being used?

Qdrant performs very well on metadata filtering and similarity search compared to others. This is also needed for ACL

Do you duplicate data and store a local copy of indexed documents?

Yes, we store the data locally.

What are the existing connectors?

  • Sharepoint (online/on prem)

  • Confluence (online/on prem)

  • Website-Crawlers

Can a local (on premise) vector database be used?

If Unique is deployed on prem, yes.  But in phase 1, it’s a workload we deploy on Azure fully encrypted.

Do connectors support images, video and sound indexation?

Currently not, though we are exploring options with GPT-4 Vision.

Can hook be added in the dataflow to check data before indexing?

Planned for Q3 2024 in product roadmap

Can hook be added to enrich metadata during indexing?

Planned for Q3 2024 in product roadmap

How is the lifecycle of indexed documents managed?

Same documents are replaced with the new version. Content owners are responsible for deduplication.

What are the supported languages?

Unique supports the languages which are listed offered on Azure:

Can multiple context sources, like vector databases + custom databases be used?

Yes, this is possible.

Is there an initial limit on the documents provided?

No, but it’s useful to only index what is truly needed, this makes the quality control easier. Documents are taken in and transformed by our ingestion workers into markdown. Markdown is then broken apart into chunks preserving titles with paragraph connections. And tables with headings so that the ideal context is given to the models at retrieval time.

Are the sources of information selected automatically?

Yes, this is fully automatic.

What limitations on documents are there?

Images on documents are not yet included in the ingestion process.

Can defined users or applications be viewed in the tenant?

Yes, this is possible.

How can the chatbot in web application be integrated?

This can be achieved by utilizing Unique's APIs or by employing Iframe-like functionalities for front-end display.

Can the solution be integrated with Microsoft Dynamic CRM on premise?

Yes, this is possible.

Can Semantic Kernel with indexation, prompt, models be used?

Yes, this is possible.

Can LangChain be used to interact with indexation, prompt, models?

Yes, any python can be used with our APIs/SDK.

See details about the APIs/SDK here: Software Development Kit (SDK)

How long does a typical RAG request take?

Time to streaming the answer is around 3-5 seconds depending on the use case.


Where is client data hosted? 

We work together with Microsoft Switzerland and our data is stored in the Azure Cloud in Switzerland. 

Are there any other locations outside Switzerland where data is stored? 

Not for Swiss Financial Institutions. European Financial Institutions can choose the Netherlands, France or the UK as their data storage and processing location.

For recording, are there any other locations outside Switzerland where For data is stored?

Only if recorded through the app or uploaded manually on the Unique Portal the recording is temporarily (1 hour) stored in Frankfurt, Germany for transcription. Otherwise, no.

Is regulated or confidential customer data stored in a database? 

Yes, we store voice profiles to identify meeting participants. Company can opt out such that the voice print is only use vor diarization and not saved.

Are voice profiles kept and used for subsequent calls? What are all other purposes where these voice profiles/prints are used?

Yes, if company did not opt out. Voice prints are used:

  • to identify persons in uploaded calls. When opt out, not possible anymore.

  • to manually redo the diarization for a call. When opt out, quality drops but not significantly.

Where is personal data stored for audio and video recordings?

They are stored as media files in the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

Where is personal data stored for transcripts and reports?

They are stored at Microsoft Azure AKS, Postgres.

What databases store personal data?

As we use both Postgres and MongoDB, both database store personal data.

Where are the videos saved that you record?

On Microsoft Azure cloud hosted in Switzerland protected by enterprise security standards of Microsoft. 

Are there backups that are stored on removable media (e.g., disks, tapes, etc.)?

We do not store backups on removable media.
