Secure Software Development Lifecycle

Secure Software Development Lifecycle

For software development projects, Unique has implemented a secure software development lifecycle (SSDL), providing a framework for training, tools, and processes. As security is in the vital interest of anyone who is using Unique products and services to run critical business processes and to store and process sensitive data, secure developed software is a prerequisite for secure operations.

Uniques process bases on and integrates Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle in every development stage, ensuring top-notch security from design to deployment.

Phases in Unique Secure Software Development Lifecycle v2.0

Unique is proudly committed to robust cybersecurity and therefore regularly trains employees on secure design essentials: Threat Modeling, Secure Coding, Security Testing, and Privacy. Through creative ideation, Unique tailors its customer-centric solutions to meet and exceed customer needs, ensuring a top-notch experience with every change. Once agreed, Unique blends customer insights, market analysis, and team brainstorming to gather requirements for selected ideas and turns feedback into action. Unique crafts their products with user-friendly UX and cutting-edge software design. With robust security measures, Unique implements the change securely whereafter it undergoes rigorous validation. Uniques process includes extensive tests and detailed code analysis, guaranteeing reliability and excellence. Using continuous integration, deployment and release, the change is then progressively rolled out to Uniques customers. Not being done and continuously monitoring the changes and system, Unique's incident response swiftly tackles software hiccups to minimise downtime.

Turning the idea of a lifecycle into action, the Unique SDL processes below implement these phases…


With the philosophy and phases in mind, Unique has designed and implemented the Secure Software Development Lifecycle in its process(es).

Changes to the process

The processes are governed and can't be changed at will. While some of them are part of legally binding contracts changes to the process must always undergo intense review. Therefore the following rules apply to all changes of Uniques SDL processes.

  • All processes are visibly versioned

  • We constantly evolve our process implementation internally but if changes or a collection of them affects customers, a new version of the Unique Secure Software Development Lifecycle gets published

  • Changes must be reviewed and agreed by all stakeholders

  • Changes must be communicated to affected customers with a considerable notice period, whereafter amendments can be made before the new, changed version gets published

RACI / Stakeholders RACI

Unique SSDL process involves all relevant teams and thus they all become stakeholders. Namely:






Accountable and responsible for process and its implementation


Customer Success

UI/UX Design


Consulted when implementing and changing the process


Informed upon changes

Process Definition


Uniques training activities are documented and outlined in



Role: Tasks


Security Controls


Role: Tasks


Security Controls


Collect ideas

Any source: Submit and vote on ideas

Product: Triage ideas incl. security impact

List of ideas, some over threshold

Ideas get triaged with a clear security focus in mind

Prepare selected ideas

Product: Prioritise ideas above threshold and inform Customers

Prioritised selection of ideas that should go into requirements specification

Selected ideas undergo a first risk assessment, probably insecure changes are rejected



Role: Tasks


Security Controls


Role: Tasks


Security Controls


Appoint project lead and team

Product: Select responsible team for the feature

Implementing team and responsible PL selected

Subject matters experts are preferred leads or at least consulted

Gather requirements

PL: Convert idea from sketch to change with concrete requirements and a specification

Product specifications as specs, story or tickets as well as KPIs to measure value

Acceptance criteria incl. security criteria

Explore product fit

PL: Consult UI/UX and Customer Success to determine whether the drafted change matches the overall product

Specifications on how the change is to fit E2E into the product


Determine feasibility

PL: Consult subject matter experts and architects to determine feasibility of change and get first effort estimations

First estimations for the roadmap

Reliability of the system is vital, thus changes absorbing too many resources for a longer period must be revisited or broken down

Perform risk assessment

PL: Consult security and perform risk assessment

Accepted change, Accepted change with mitigation or logged risk or Rejected change

Risks get assessed as defined in ISMS Risk Management

Document AI System Rationale

Product: Document the business case, customer request, or policy driving the AI system.

Clear understanding of the purpose and goals of the AI system including business case.

Documentation of purpose and goals of the AI system was created.



Role: Tasks


Security Controls


Role: Tasks


Security Controls


Design UX/UI

UX/UI: Design visual parts and E2E experience/flow of the change

Design specifications, linked to the tickets


Design technical implementation

Architecture/Dev: Define implementation, investigate need for threat modelling (security, privacy or cryptography)

Security: Consulted for need of threat modelling

Software design specifications, scheduled threat modelling workshop

Workshops scheduled if needed for security, privacy and/or cryptography

Select AI Model

Data Science: Choose the appropriate model type.