User Management Interface

User Management Interface


The User Management feature within our application facilitates the efficient organization and management of user accounts. It empowers administrators to oversee user accounts, assign them to appropriate groups, and configure group hierarchies as per organizational requirements.


Users are registered users in the system, most of the time through the IDP, and have a distinct user id and credentials to achieve a login in the Unique System.

e.g. Jon Doe, j.doe@doe.com, id: 13413414133


Groups are logical groups of users. They also have an ID and a Name
e.g. Legal Team, id: 56324524, consisting of John Doe and Manuel Grenacher.

Groups can, but do not have to be, organized hierarchically, allowing the organizational structure of an organization to be mirrored. This implies that if a parent Group has access to something, the access is automatically inherited by the child Groups and to the users in the respective group as well.

Through groups, we can define properties for inheritance. For example, child groups can inherit properties like Branch (e.g. Switzerland) and Team (e.g. Sales) from their parent group.

This information can then be used in the Smart Rules of the Spaces but also during search, and can be inserted into prompts (still under development).

Key Functionalities

View users

  1. The “Members” tab in the User Management feature displays a list of all registered users within the system.

  2. Users can sort the list of users based on various parameters such as name, email, and creation date.

Search for a specific user

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To find a specific user, you can use the "Search members" bar at the top of the user list. Typing a name, email, or other identifying information should filter the list to show only relevant entries.

Bulk edit users and assign them

You can select multiple users by checking the boxes next to their names and perform bulk actions, such as assigning them to groups or removing them from groups. This functionality simplifies managing user roles and permissions for multiple accounts at once.

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Removing Users from Groups

  1. Users can be efficiently removed from groups as per organizational requirements.

    • When a user is removed from a group, they are completely dissociated from that group's hierarchy, regardless of their position within the structure.

    • This removal process does not automatically reassign users to parent groups; instead, it severs their connection from the entire vertical hierarchy.

What you need to know

  1. Upon organization creation, a default group is automatically generated.

    1. In the scenario that the organization does not sync its own identity and access solution with Unique’s User Management feature when a new user account is created, they are automatically added to a default group. However, administrators retain the authority to remove users from assigned groups as necessary.

    2. In the scenario that the organization does sync its own identity and access solution with Unique’s User Management feature, groups will be automatically generated and users will be automatically assigned to their respective group(s).

  2. The system supports the creation of multiple groups at the first level of the hierarchy. This flexibility enables administrators to tailor group structures according to organizational needs.

  3. Groups can be organized into an unlimited hierarchical structure. This hierarchical flexibility accommodates complex organizational setups with nested groups and subgroups.


@Jovana Sanussi @Enerel Khuyag

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