Answer to the question based on the image and conversation history.
Configuration settings (technical)
Settings (technical)
Reference in Code
Global structure of config
Parameter | Description |
| used GPT model Default: |
| Instance of service |
| List of supported image extensions. Default:
Parameter | Description |
| Whether to use full conversation history. If False, attempt to use conversation summary from tool call. Default: |
| Max history messages to consider Default: |
| Whether to use model token limit or not Default: |
| Default token limit if model token limit is not available. Default: |
| Upper limit of tokens to keep from history. Default: |
Example Json
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "typeImageUploadConfig": "function",{ "functionchatHistory": { "nameenabled": "ImageUpload"true, "parametersmaxMessages": 10 { }, "typelanguageModel": "object", AZURE_GPT_4o_2024_0513" } } |
Template Json Config (for developers)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "ImageUploadConfig": { "requiredsupportedExtensions" : [ "query.jpg", "conversation_history.jpe", ]".jpeg", "properties": {.png", ".gif", "query": { ".bmp" ], "typechatHistory": "string", { "enabled": true, "descriptionmaxMessages": "Smart10, query based on the user request but augmented with the context of conversation if needed." "useModelTokenLimit": true, "defaultTokenLimit": 4096, "percentageOfMaxTokens": 0.5 }, }, "languageModel": "image_name": { "AZURE_GPT_4o_2024_0513" } } |
(Tool) Definition
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "type": "stringfunction", "function": { "descriptionname": "ImageUpload"Name, of the image file to be analyzed [Optional]." "parameters": { }, "type": "object", "conversation_historyrequired": { [ "type": "stringquery", "descriptionconversation_history": "Summary of the history of the conversation to provide], context for the query." "properties": { } "query": { } }, "descriptiontype": "string"This, tool is designed to analyze, extract, and summarize information from images uploaded to the chat. It should be invoked whenever the user inquires about the content, details, or insights related to an image.""description": "Smart query based on the user request but augmented with the context of conversation if needed." } } |
Global structure of config
: string
used GPT model
Default: AZURE_GPT_4_32K_0613
Instance of service
: list[string]
List of supported image extensions.
: bool
Whether to use full conversation history. If False, attempt to use conversation summary from tool call.
Default: true
: integer
Max history messages to consider
Default: 10
: bool
Whether to use model token limit or not
Default: true
: integer
Default token limit if model token limit is not available.
Default: 4096
: float
Upper limit of tokens to keep from history.
Default: 0.5
Example Json Config
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "ImageUploadConfig": {, "chatHistoryimage_name": { "enabled": true, "type": "maxMessagesstring":, 10 }, "languageModeldescription": "AZURE_GPT_4o_2024_0513" } } |
Template Json Config (for developers)
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "ImageUploadConfig": { "supportedExtensions" : [ Name of the image file to be analyzed [Optional]." }, ".jpg", "conversation_history": { ".jpe", ".jpegtype": "string", ".png", "description": "Summary of the history ".gif",of the conversation to provide context for the "query.bmp" ], "chatHistory": {} "enabled": true, } "maxMessages": 10}, "useModelTokenLimitdescription": true,"This tool is designed to "defaultTokenLimit": 4096analyze, extract, and summarize information "percentageOfMaxTokens": 0.5 }, "languageModel": "AZURE_GPT_4o_2024_0513"from images. It should be invoked whenever the user inquires about images." } } |
Author |