Space Management Interface

Space Management Interface


Spaces serve as environments where end users interact with an AI Assistant. A Space is created for each use case. For example:

  • Chat with GPT

  • Research Stock Investment Opportunities

    • Chat with a set of ingested files from the Knowledge Base.

    • Ingested files can be files synced via external data sources such as Sharepoint, or files uploaded directly into the Knowledge Base.

  • Chat with the uploaded file(s)

    • Uploaded files are files that are uploaded directly in the Chat interface and not in the Knowledge Base.

Configuring a Space

Configuring a Space involves specifying the following:

[Space Name] Text Field

The Space name refers to the unique identifier of each chat environment. It helps distinguish between different use cases or topics for end-user interactions. This text will appear in the chat interface navigation.

Create space-1A.gif

Suggestion: Choose a short name that reflects the specific use case or topic of the Space.

[About Space] Text Field

The About Space text serves as a brief description or introduction to the purpose and objectives of the Space. This text will appear in the Space’s user interface.

Create space-1B.gif

Suggestion: Describe the focus or goal of the Space. It should help orient users and provides context for their interactions within the environment.

[Space Usage Recommendation] Text Field

The Space Usage Recommendation text provides essential insights and cautions that users should acknowledge before initiating prompts within the Space.

AI Assistant

Import/Export Functionality

The import/export feature is essential for managing AI Assistants across different environments, such as testing and production. This feature allows users to seamlessly transfer an AI Assistant configuration from one environment to another.

Use Case

When users have configured an AI Assistant in the testing environment and are ready to deploy it to the production environment, they can utilize the import/export functionality to streamline this process.

How It Works

  1. Export Configuration from Environment A (e.g. testing environment):

    • Navigate to the testing environment where the AI Assistant is configured.

    • Click on the “Export AI Assistant” button.

    • A .txt file containing the configuration details will be downloaded to your system.

  2. Import Configuration to Environment B (e.g. production environment):

    • Go to the Space in the production environment where you want to replicate the AI Assistant configuration.

    • Click on the blue cloud icon located next to the modules selection.

    • Select the previously downloaded .txt file from your system.

    • The AI Assistant configuration will be imported and applied to the Space in the production environment.


Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings encompass a range of configuration options and controls that allow admin users to customize and fine-tune the behavior of the Space and its associated components.

Module selection

"modelChoosing": "BY_FUNCTION_CALL"

When users commit a prompt in a Space where the Assistant contains more than one module, the system will need to choose which module to generate a response. This setting proposes two approaches with BY_FUNCTION_CALL being the default value:

  • BY_FUNCTION_CALL: Module selection is done with the function calling approach of OpenAI (OpenAI Platform). This setting is only possible if models are used which allow function calling in the style of OpenAI.

  • BY_PROMPT: In this case, the module descriptions are included in the system message of the LLM call to select the most appropriate module. This option is needed in case a LLM is used that does not allow function calling in the style of OpenAI.

Pin a Space in the navigation

"isPinned": true

When the setting is set to true, the Space will be pinned at the top of the navigation for all members of the Space in the organization.

Enable PDF Viewer functionality

"showPdfHighlighting": true

When the setting is set to true, and the user selects a reference, the application will open a PDF Viewer which highlights the content that the Assistant used to generate a response.

Define Custom Translation Languages

To define custom translation languages, the user can add a property called translationLanguages and provide a list of valid ISO Language Names as its values.

After saving the space, only the specified languages will be visible in the translation UI. If no custom languages are defined, the translation UI will display the default translation languages, such as English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Disable File Picker on mobile

When the setting is enabled, the file picker (e.g., “Upload Files” button) is hidden on mobile devices, and only the “Take Photo” button is shown. Note: “Upload in Chat” must be enabled for this to take effect.

Knowledge Scopes

The Knowledge Scope is a specific set of rules that determine the scope of accessible information for users within the Space.

There are two main benefits:

  1. Controlling the information accessible within a Space to ensure users are only presented with relevant content.

  2. Focusing the AI Assistant's knowledge within a defined scope can lead to more accurate and relevant responses to user queries, improving overall user experience and satisfaction.