Theming Interface

Unique FinanceGPT provides extensive customization options to align its platform interface with your Corporate Identity. Here’s a streamlined overview of the key customization features available:

Customization Options Overview:

  1. Colors: Configure up to 29 different colors using HEX codes to match your brand guidelines. This includes:

    • Primary Brand Colors: Affect primary buttons, links, and key action elements.

    • Supporting Brand Colors: Influence sidebar navigation colors and text/icons on these colors.

    • Neutral Colors: Determine backgrounds for pages, modals, and secondary buttons.

    • Functional Colors: Specify colors for informational texts, success and error messages, and various interactive elements like progress bars and toasters.

  2. Logos: Add two types of logos in PNG format:

    • Logo Navbar: Displayed in the sidebar navigation.

    • Logo Header: Appears in the top navigation on desktop and mobile.

  3. Fonts: Upload and assign corporate fonts in formats like .WOFF, .TTF, or .OTF. Customize the typographic scale to adjust titles, subtitles, body texts, and overline texts across the platform.

  4. Custom Naming: Choose a custom name for the FinanceGPT tool that will be used throughout your organization, appearing in the browser tab and internal references.

  5. Support Email: Provide a dedicated contact email that links from the help menu and error pages, facilitating direct support queries.

  6. Help Center Link: Establish a direct link to your Help Center accessible from the platform's help menu, enhancing user support and navigation.

These customization controls are accessed by appending /theme to your company’s Unique URL, making it easy to tailor the platform to your specific needs. Unique offers expert support to ensure that these settings meet accessibility standards and reflect your corporate identity seamlessly.



@Enerel Khuyag @Donatella Mancini

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