
At our company, customer centricity is our core principle. We prioritize customer support above all else. Our dedicated team goes the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction. We actively listen, empathize, and provide timely solutions. Personalized attention is key, as we understand each customer's unique needs. Feedback is valued and used to improve our offerings. Our customer-centric culture drives us to consistently deliver exceptional experiences, fostering long-lasting relationships.

End User Support

End Users are people using the Unique products by watching a recording or chatting within Unique FinanceGPT.

Platform as a Service

Within and you can contact the support either via email or Intercom:


Email from the Help Menu



Help Center



Other tenant models

End Users of other deployment models (like Single Tenants or On Premise installations) can get in touch with their enterprise local SPOC via the Help menu:

Enterprise Support

Enterprises are B2B clients of Unique, mostly enterprises from the FSI industry or technical sector.

Clients using dedicated deployment models (Single, Customer Managed Tenants or On Premise installations) can leverage:


@Michelle Heppler


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