Clients that opt for this approach provide their own landing-zone that they can reach e.g. with
. It can also be, that the customer does not expose to the Internet and thus there would be no such URL but more like https://unique.local
There exist many variants of this model depending mostly on the distribution of the responsibilities between the client and Unique.
Get started
Learn how a customer managed tenant gets started from scratch.
In Get started with a Customer Managed Tenant the responsibilities were defined. Independently from the who-does-who there are two key phases to the customer managed tenant model.
Setup phase, where the responsible parties sets up the landing zone, the resources within it and ultimately install itself
Run phase, where the responsible parties run, maintain, investigate and operate and potentially some resources
Since the are very flexible, it is difficult to outline these phases in detail but you find information about both phases in their respective pages linked above.
The architecture, as everything, heavily depends on the responsibilities. Unique is either consulted if the client is responsible or Unique implements the setup if they are responsible.
When consulted, Unique can advice on a recommended architecture by effort
When responsible, Unique will self implement the recommended architecture
This recommended architecture is outlined in
Reference Architecture CMTAuthor | See Parent |