Install the Unique Sidebar Desktop App
1. Visit our download page.
2. Click "Download Unique Sidebar".
The Desktop app automatically updates to the latest version.
3. Follow the instructions to install the app on your device.
Tip: Add the Unique Sidebar to your Dock to easily launch the app.
Install the Unique Sidebar Chrome Extension
1. Visit the Chrome Web Store
2. Click "Add to Chrome".
3. Click "Add Extension".
Install here: Install
Pin the extension to Chrome
1. Click the puzzle piece icon in Chrome.
2. Click the pushpin icon.
Activate the Unique Sidebar
1. Click on the Q icon in Chrome.
2. The Sidebar will appear.
Important: The Sidebar can only be activated when you enter your Google Meet meeting. The Q is blue when you are on the Google Meet meeting page. The Q is grey when you are visiting other webpages.
Install the Unique Sidebar Microsoft Teams Extension
1. Visit the Microsoft Teams Marketplace.
2. Click "Add".
3. Click “Sign in as a user”.
4. Click "Sign in with Microsoft" and follow the instructions.
Important: The Global Admin Microsoft user of your company must have granted permissions for all users to install the Unique Sidebar Microsoft Teams Extension. If permission was not granted, please refer to this article.
5. You will see the following page when you have successfully installed the Unique Sidebar Microsoft Teams Extension.
Activate the Unique Sidebar
1. Enter your meeting.
2. Click the Q icon.
Important: In order for the Q icon to appear in your meeting, the calendar event must have at least two invitees.
If you do not see the Q icon
1. Click on "Apps".
2. Search for Unique.
3. Click to add it to your call.
Install the Unique Sidebar Microsoft Teams Extension (Global Admin user)
1. Grant permission
You must be a "Microsoft Global Admin” to grant permissions for all users in your organization to install.
Every user will still be required to accept the user-level permissions. Please refer to this article for more info.
Install the Unique Sidebar Microsoft Teams Extension
1. Visit the Microsoft Teams Marketplace.
2. Click "Add".
3. Click “Grant permissions”.
4. You will be forwarded to a webpage. Follow the instructions.
Here you find our Data Processing Addendum. Your data privacy is our priority.
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