Risk-based approach at Unique

Gen AI solutions introduce enhanced risks and we must proactively deal with them and protect our clients (sensitive) data. This article will outline which risks are associated with GenAI solutions and what potential mitigation actions Unique takes (additional mitigation actions may be agreed upon individually with clients).

Unique is committed to effectively managing risks within the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards, ensuring the highest standards of quality and effectiveness. Unique has established a comprehensive risk management framework that is mandatory for all employees. This framework has been presented and agreed upon by our management team and acknowledged by the board of directors. It is regularly updated and reviewed by the DPO, CISO, management team, and board of directors.

Risk types and mitigation actions

Privacy Risk

Security Risk

  • Risk: Misuse of GenAI technology

  • Solution: AI and data governance, external audits, bug bounty, TOMs, encryption, backups

Accuracy Risk

  • Risk: inaccurate or inconsistent output

  • Mitigation: GenAI guidelines and policies, responsible AI guidelines, T&Cs, feedback loop, AI Governance

Fairness Risk

Legal Risk

  • Risk: IP infringements and copyright violations

  • Mitigation: adjust our contracts, T&Cs, MS liability for copywrite infringements

Unique’s approach to risk management

Every Unique employee can detect and report risks in Unique’s risk registers (ISMS for IT risks and QMS for strategic, operational and financial risks according to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certification). Unique is following a risk-based approach which involves regular reviews of key risks.

  • Monthly risk review by CDO and CISO

  • Quarterly risk review by the Executive Team

  • Bi-annual risk review by the Board of Directors

  • Annual re-certification by auditing company





@Sina Wulfmeyer


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