Service Level Agreement - Customer Managed Tenant

1. Scope

The SLA is only valid in connection with a signed contract for Unique FinanceGPT of Unique AG.

2.  Scope and Purpose

This SLA describes the levels of support that the Client can expect to receive from the Provider.

This SLA is effective from the start date of the subscription. Unique is not obligated to provide support beyond the end of the support period.

3. Definitions

a)    Business Days. Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays (Switzerland, Zurich).

b)    Business Hours. 9am – 5pm (CET) during Business Days.

c)     Core Functionality. Refers to the primary operations and features that are essential for the software including the end user chat (asking questions, answering questions, searching content, viewing content). Features for admin users are not considered as Core Functionality.

d)    Claim. A claim submitted by Client to Unique under this SLA for Service Credit.

e)    First Response Time. The time between a ticket being opened in Unique’s Help Desk and confirmation to Client via Unique’s ticketing system that We have received the request and are investigating the Issue (any automated response from the ticketing system does not count towards First Response Time).

f)      Intervention Time. The time between First Response Time until an intervention to solve the Issue is initiated. For High Severity Issues, if Unique provides a workaround, the Provider will downgrade the Severity Level to Medium.

g)    Issue. A support request for an incident or problem with using or accessing the Software.

h)    Service Credit. A financial credit Unique may credit back to an eligible, active and not-terminated Client account based on this SLA.

4. Support for Software Issues

Client’s Authorised Users can request support via:

Support covers core functionality of Unique Enterprise Software. It does not include customization advice and consulting services. If the Issue is specific to the particular configuration and infrastructure of Client, it is classified as consulting services and is not covered under this SLA.

4.1 Software Issue Severity Levels, First Response Time and Intervention Time

According to the table below Unique will assign a priority level (“Severity Level”) to each Issue received as a Client request.  According to the Severity Level Unique commits to the applicable First Response and Intervention Time.






a) Core Functionality of the Software is not working AND no workaround is available, AND
b) It affects >80% of a Client’s Authorized Users.

1 Business Hour

4 Business Hours


a) Core Functionality of the Software is not working, BUT workaround exists, AND
b) It affects > 50% of a Client’s Authorized Users.

12 Business Hours

48 Business Hours


ca) Core Functionality of the Software is not working. The Issue does not directly impact a Client’s ability to use the Software OR
b) It affects < 50% of a Client’s Authorized Users.

48 Business Hours

Best Effort

Table 1: Severity Level, Response and Intervention time

*excludes the time for Client inaccessibility; if, for any reason, Client cannot be reached to clarify an Issue (e.g., screenshare, debugging), then until Unique can make contact with Client to begin debugging the Issue, such time will not be included when calculating Intervention Time.

4.2 Service credit claim

To make a Claim, Client must submit a ticket via within 20 days in which the Response Time and/or Intervention Time did not meet the applicable Severity Level.The ticket must include:

a) “SLA Claim” as the subject of the ticket;

b) the applicable dates and times Service Credit is requested for; and

c) any applicable information that documents the claimed Response Time
or Intervention Time. If Service Credit is issued, it will be issued to Client for future use only. No monetary refunds will be provided. Service Credits can not be transferred to another Unique Client or applied to any other account.

Unique will use all information reasonably available to to validate a Claim and make a good faith judgment on whether a Service Credit applies.

4.3 Service credit calculation

If the Support Service Level did not meet the First Response Time and / or Intervention Times in a calendar month, Unique will provide a Service Credit. Service Credit will be calculated in accordance with the table below:



80% to 85% of Support Tickets meet the First Response and InterventionTime


70% to 80% of Support Tickets meet the First Response and Intervention Time


60% to 70% of Support Tickets meet the First Response and Intervention Time


Less than 60% of Support Tickets meet the First Response and Intervention Time


Each Service Credit is calculated as a percentage of monthly fees (calculated based on the Unique FinanceGPT Enterprise Platform Fee) paid by Client for the applicable month in which the Issue(s) occurred. Service Credits are the sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Unique to meet any obligations in this SLA.

4.4 Software Improvements

Unique will make available to Client new versions, releases, and updates to the Software to solve defects and/or errors, keep the Software up to date with market developments, or otherwise improve (the operation or functionality of) the Software (collectively, “Upgrades”). These Upgrades may include bug fixes or may patch vulnerabilities.

The Client is responsible for installing updated versions to their systems to receive Support Services. Covered services do not include any of the underlying systems or infrastructures for which the Client is responsible for operating: including, but not limited to, server hardware, server operating systems, database applications, network infrastructure. The Client is encouraged to install Software Upgrades at least once a month as older versions will not be covered by this SLA (see chapter 4.5).

4.5 Exclusions and Limitations

This SLA only applies to Client’s Enterprise subscription to and use of the Software for a fee. The SLA does not apply

a)    to any free Services, Experimental or Beta Services provided by Us.

b)    to any Co-Development Services: Unique SDK and other code deployed by the client are explicitly excluded from this SLA. In the event of deployment and subsequent malfunction resulting in damage, the responsibility lies solely with the client developer, not Unique. Unique will support on a best-effort basis.

c) to any versions older than 4 weeks.

Bug-/and Hotfixes will solely be provided for the latest version of the software and always need to run through Unique’s release pipeline.



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