Ingestion Configuration: MS Document Intelligence (Layout) Ingestion

The default pipeline currently in place may not adequately process certain PDF and Word documents, particularly when encountering improperly formatted data (e.g., tables in financial documents, images with text).

Microsoft Document Intelligence (MDI ff.) can enhance Unique's capability to accurately ingest documents that contain complex tables and graphics. The latest GA version 2024-11-30 of Microsoft’s Document Intelligence is used to ingest documents.

Ingestion Modes


PDFs on Unique are ingested page by page.

There are 2 modes of ingesting documents as it is implemented:

  • PDFTODOCX_ONLY: Use our default library: PDFs are converted using pdf2docx (default)

  • DOC_INTELLIGENCE_DEFAULT: Use MDI on all pages of the document


The default process directly extracts the content of a Word file, including text and tables with their underlying formatting. However, it does not extract content from images (e.g., if a table is embedded as an image in the Word file). There is an option to use the MDI service for Word files, which can also extract text from images. This process first converts the Word file to a PDF to utilize the full capabilities of the MDI service:

  • WORD_DEFAULT_INGESTION: Use the default Word ingestion mechanism (without MDI)

  • DOC_INTELLIGENCE_DEFAULT: Use MDI on the Word document

Enable MDI

Microsoft Document Intelligence can be activated on a per-scope or per-folder basis, including hierarchical scopes with inheritance. For single-tenant setups, ensure that the service is fully provisioned before enabling it.

On the ingestion service per scopeId. Replace the placeholders:

  • <scopeId>

  • <baseUrl> (e.g. *

  • <yourToken>

Check here how to get a token: Managing scopes & access via API


curl --location --request POST 'https://gateway.<baseUrl>/ingestion/v1/folder/<scopeId>/properties' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <yourToken>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "properties": { "ingestionConfig": { "pdfReadMode": "DOC_INTELLIGENCE_DEFAULT", "wordReadMode": "DOC_INTELLIGENCE_DEFAULT" } }, "applyToSubScopes": true }'

The MDI can also be turned on via an environment variable as a default (service: ingestion-worker):


Clients can also request Unique to enable this on their Single Tenant but must know the Considerations below.

Environment variable switching is not available on PaaS.

See Deployment models for details on the models.

Enable for Upload in Chat

To use the MDI processing in a specific space when uploading a document to the chat, the ingestion config in the Advanced Settings in the space management must be changed as follows:

{ ... "ingestionConfig": { "pdfReadMode": "DOC_INTELLIGENCE_DEFAULT", "wordReadMode": "DOC_INTELLIGENCE_DEFAULT" }, ... }

Limitations and Considerations

  • The MS Document Intelligence Service costs approx. 1.6 cents per page and has limited throughput. These costs might be charged additionally by Unique as it is not covered by the Ada Tokens.



Before being able to use MDI, the service must be deployed within a tenant. Depending on your Deployment models one of the following processes must be chosen.



Single Tenant

Customer Managed

On Premise



Single Tenant

Customer Managed

On Premise

Config options

only via API for a scope

via API for a scope or via environment variable via Customer Success

Customer must manage it themselves

MDI is not available


already deployed

via Customer Success considering the impact described above

Customer must deploy the service by themselves

Authentication Methods

MS Document Intelligence can run in two modes:

  • Key-based authentication (taking it from the env variables (see code), used in dev)

  • Via Workload Identity in production


@Adrian Gugger


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