Redirect to locally stored files

Redirect to locally stored files

Unique Finance GPT offers the possibility for files coming from Sharepoint (SP) for users to download it from the Unique storage solution instead of the redirection to SP.

This feature needs two preconditions fulfilled:

  1. The SP integration needs to be configured that the file gets stored permanently in the Unique storage solution and not just temporary for ingestion.

  2. A company setting needs to be set via API.

With this configuration on the SP integration and the company setting, users are downloading files sent by SP directly from the Unique storage solution instead of getting redirected to SP.


How to configure the SP integration?

Check out the SP Connector page here https://unique-ch.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/445612496, or reach out our Customer Success Team to get in touch with our integration specialist.

How to configure the company setting?

The following API calls need to be done manually to set the required company setting.

  1. Get the current company settings.
    baseURL: whatever URL your Unique solution is available
    token: a token of a user which has admin permissions (chat.admin.all)

curl --location 'https://gateway.<baseUrl>/chat/graphql' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --data '{"query":"query Company {\n company {\n configuration\n }\n}","variables":{}}'

This should return a configuration object. Either it is empty {} or filled.

  1. Update the configuration with the additional setting called: "redirectInternalStorageOnly": true. Use this example cUrl to update the setting. The example is containing only the new setting. If the first API call already returned some setting you need to take this and add the additional new setting to it.

curl --location 'https://gateway.<baseUrl>/chat/graphql' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --data '{"query":"mutation CompanyUpdateData($input: CompanyUpdateInput!) {\n companyUpdateData(input: $input) {\n configuration\n }\n}","variables":{"input":{"configuration":{"redirectInternalStorageOnly":true}}}}'



@Adrian Gugger

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