
Advanced Prompt for Report Generation: Why and how to use it

The GPT model has a limit on the inputs it can process, and therefore when the recording's transcript is too long, it produces multiple outputs. To address the limitation, we have introduced advanced prompting features to produce a more desirable result.


There are two approaches to handle long duration recordings:


Condense Transcript

(case 1) Enable "Condense Transcript" toggle to shorten the transcript so that the inputs fit within the model's limitations.


  • Pro: One output is generated

  • Con: Some information may be disregarded and absent in the final result.

(case 2) Disable "Condense Transcript" toggle to feed the entire transcript into the model. If the transcript exceeds the model's limitations, multiple outputs will be generated.


  • Pro: Ideal for Prompt Experts who want to test Grouping Prompts (case 3)

  • Con: Multiple outputs generated

Grouping Prompt

(case 3) Disable "Condense Transcript" toggle and add a Grouping Prompt to instruct the model to group the outputs and form a final result.


  • Pro: One output is generated

  • Con: Some information may be disregarded and absent in the final result.

Example Grouping Prompt

"Merge information across the entire call to avoid repetition and generate a single output."

How it works

1. Visit a meeting's recording page.

2. Click on the prompting field.

3. Click Advanced red icon to access the advanced prompting features.

Autogenerate Reports

The Autogeneration Reports feature allows you to effortlessly generate insightful reports without the need for manual prompting.

How it works

1. Visit Reports Settings.

2. Click on the Report Template which you want to autogenerate for all meeting recordings.

3. Toggle "Autogenerate Report".

4. Click "Save".

5. Record your next meeting with Unique as normal.

6. Look out for a new Unique email: it will include links to your recording as well as the autogenerated reports.

When you activate "Autogenerate Report" for a Template, everyone in your organization will receive autogenerated reports of that kind for their meetings.

Meeting Reports

What are Unique Reports?

Reports allows you to prompt to perform tasks.


OpenAI has trained cutting-edge language models that are very good at understanding and generating text. With our Reports feature, we’ve integrated the power of GPT to make it easier for you to perform a wide range of tasks, such as:

  • Summarization (e.g. key information) for generating meeting minutes, a high-level overview or executive summary.

  • Content creation (i.e. generate text in various forms) for drafting follow-up emails, descriptions, and announcements.

  • Topic modeling (i.e. main topics or themes discussed during the meeting) for identifying key takeaways or areas of focus.

  • Entity recognition (i.e. people, organizations, and locations) for tracking the involvement or interest of different stakeholders.

  • Information recognition (i.e. names, dates, statistics, and other key data points) populating forms and records.

  • Action item identification (i.e. specific action items or to-dos that were discussed) for ensuring action items are not overlooked or forgotten.

These are just a couple of examples among many possible use cases.

Generate a Report with your own prompt

1. Visit a meeting's recording page.

2. Click on the reporting field and start typing a prompt

Prompts are how you get GPT to do what you want. So, you have to know what you're trying to accomplish.


3. Press 'Enter' key to send your request.

When a prompt is sent to GPT, it's broken down into tokens. This enables GPT to work with relatively large amounts of text. It can take about 2 minutes or more to generate your Report.


Need help with prompting?

Use our Guided Prompt feature to help you get started.


  1. Select the "Advanced Prompting" red icon.

  2. Toggle "Guided Prompt".

  3. Follow the structure of the guided prompt fields to create your prompt.

Create a Template

1. Visit a meeting's recording page.

2. Click on the generated Report which you would like to create a template from.

3. Click on the three dot menu.

4. Select "Save Prompt as Template". The new template will be opened in a new browser tab.

5. Add a Report Template title.

6. Click the "Save" button.


Tip: Toggle "Autogenerate Report" if you would like Unique to autogenerate the report for all meetings. Learn more


Generate a Report with Templates


1. Visit a meeting's recording page.

2. Click on the reporting field and select a template

Templates are predefined prompts that allow you to generate reports in one click.

Best Practices

Use clear and concise language

Make sure your prompts are easy to understand and provide clear instructions. Avoid using technical jargon or complex language.


Less effective ❌:

Generate a summary of the client meeting.


Better ✅:

Summarize the key investment recommendations discussed during the client meeting with Mr. Hauri on March 1st. The recommendations should include both short-term and long-term strategies, with an emphasis on risk management and tax efficiency.


Be specific, descriptive and as detailed as possible about the desired context, outcome, length, format, style, etc

Avoid general or open-ended prompts, as these can result in less useful or irrelevant responses. Instead, use specific prompts that are tailored to the task at hand.


Give GPT-3 enough context by providing relevant information about the meeting and its purpose. This will help GPT-3 generate more accurate and relevant responses.


Less effective ❌:

Write a summary of the meeting.


Better ✅:


Articulate the desired output format through examples

Less effective ❌:


Better ✅:


Test and iterate

Continuously test and refine your prompts to ensure that they generate the desired results.

OpenAI Resources


@Tom Hobbs @Enerel Khuyag



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